Thursday Market in Brief
( - The afternoon market was a mixed bag as the nearest weeks remained in the red, while the forward contracts corrected somewhat up. The system price came in as expected and went just a little down to 181.47 NOK/MWh (-3.17). A Norwegian trader was of the opinion this afternoon that too many players don’t understand the weather prognoses at the moment.
The market continued its wavering today, as players seem to be trading by the day-to-day weather forecasts. Lacking the big
news as far as strong indicators are concerned makes the ones who don’t study the calculations of weather probabilities the
market swingers, a Norwegian trader said this afternoon:- To me it seems as if many players don’t understand the weather forecasts...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 17.01.2002, 16:32 Uhr
Donnerstag, 17.01.2002, 16:32 Uhr