Nordic Market - Unstable forecast, stable system
With dry weather outlooks this morning, V2-04 was lifted above its former high at 287 NOK/MWh in an otherwise thin market. "The overall situation is characterised by unstable weather forecasts and a strong, stable spot,” an analyst said. "But as long as rain isn´t delivered prices will continue up," a Swedish trader maintained.
- In general the forecasts shift a lot, both from run to run and between models, so it’s hard to identify a clear weather
trend. In addition to the instabilities in the weather, a high degree of uncertainty is connected to snow and ground water,
although there is general agreement that these are below normal. In this setting the producers have found their acceptable
level, and...
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Donnerstag, 27.05.2004, 11:55 Uhr
Donnerstag, 27.05.2004, 11:55 Uhr