Nordic Market - Towards 260?
The Friday market opened up, but has sagged downwards before noon. Forward prices have closed lower day-by-day this week, and a retest of the 260 level on the V1-05 contract is likely soon, according to a Swedish trader.
– There is not really anything new in the weather forecasts today. It think we are just witnessing that the underlying sentiment
in the market is that the forwards are priced too high, a Norwegian trader said.
The V1-05 has decreased in value throughout the week after opening at 274.50 on Monday. Closing values have dropped day-by-day,
and the contract looks set to continue this...
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Freitag, 29.10.2004, 11:35 Uhr
Freitag, 29.10.2004, 11:35 Uhr