Nordic Market - Jumping back and forth
The Nordic market has experienced another volatile morning. V2-05 changed hands at 296 NOK/MWh early this morning, before increasing to 303 NOK/MWh. During the last hour the contract has softened again, and was last traded at 298.50 NOK/MWh, down 4.50 NOK from yesterday.
“The market jumps back and forth, and the movements are quite severe. Carbon, oil, gas and coal have softened, bringing power
prices down, and this week, wetter prognoses have contributed as well. If the bearish run in the CO2 market and Germany continues,
V2-05 will follow,” a trader told Montel Powernews earlier this morning.
The weather will also have an impact though, and...
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Donnerstag, 21.07.2005, 11:45 Uhr
Donnerstag, 21.07.2005, 11:45 Uhr