Nordic Market - It depends on the spot
The Summer 05 contract climbed above 240 NOK/MWh this morning on drier and colder forecasts. The contract adjusted down during the morning session, but players believe the forwards will stay firm as long as the spot prices remain at current levels.
A dry EC 12 forecast pushed the market north this morning, and the Summer 05 reached a new high for the year at 240.50 NOK/MWh.
But prices soon started to ease off on the back of less dry forecast in the other models and profit taking, according to players
Montel Powernews have spoken to.
“It may be that some players want to take some profit before the weekend. But as long as the...
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Freitag, 08.04.2005, 12:27 Uhr
Freitag, 08.04.2005, 12:27 Uhr