Nordic Market - Input à la carte
Wet forecasts led to a drop in the forward market this morning, but the prices have later increased to around yesterday’s close. The signals are pointing in different directions, and there is no clear tendency in the market right now, players comment.
V2-05 opened down this morning, with several trades at 281 NOK/MWh. The contract increased to 284.25, before it weakened again,
to a last trade of 282.25 NOK/MWh. According to players Montel Powernews has spoken to, the weather forecasts and the spot
price are limiting the upside, while the fuel prices and emission quotas are preventing prices from falling.
“Based on the current...
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Mittwoch, 01.06.2005, 12:03 Uhr
Mittwoch, 01.06.2005, 12:03 Uhr