Market - Written in the stars
The Tuesday morning market sent the future contracts down another couple of NOKs, while the forwards were slower as the buying interest returned after yesterday’s gap. Sellers took over, however, and towards noon the bearish sentiment was very much in charge of the situation, while controlled in the NOK 156 area.
A Swedish trader argued that we could be nearing the bottom for now, and saw this week’s low at NOK 155/156.Could be itAs inflow is lower than the amounts of precipitation seem to have called for, the system price will stay put at its present
level, the Swedish trader held today. Much of the rain that has arrived lately has been soaked into the ground, and that particularly
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Dienstag, 02.07.2002, 12:00 Uhr
Dienstag, 02.07.2002, 12:00 Uhr