Market - Why be modest
With a spiky Monday spot at 334.77 NOK/MWh along with low expectations for precipitation the morning market gapped considerably. That the market is now lifting into the sky should surprise no one, however, and a Norwegian trader argued that a system price at 500 NOK/MWh before Christmas is not at all unrealistic.
A Swedish trader held that there is still a good potential on the upside, but considered that the great gap also called for
caution.Want moreIf the weather trend does not change significantly throughout the winter, the spring scenario will be the worst, the Oslo
based trader stated. He also asked for a wake-up call for the Norwegian producers, and said that the main “problem”...
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Montag, 11.11.2002, 12:11 Uhr
Montag, 11.11.2002, 12:11 Uhr