Market - Who knows best?
The Friday morning market was bearish as weather forecasts were of good promise for mild weather and precipitation. Today power flow continues to go from Norway to Sweden, and the Swedes are importing new record high loads this morning with temperatures down to –22°C in Stockholm. NVE/Statnett’s request to Norwegian producers to show responsibility regarding the security of supply seems to have been a shot in the dark.
Give it away nowThe forward curve with the summer contract leading the way has bearish incentives for the future. The blocks and weeks up
until the summer do not necessarily find the period until the snow melting begins to be of the comfortable low-price sort,
however. Norwegian producers seem to have no interest in following the request from the authorities to hold back on production,...
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Freitag, 07.02.2003, 12:05 Uhr
Freitag, 07.02.2003, 12:05 Uhr