Market - When, where, and how much
The Friday morning market was thin and opened marginally down before lifting a little towards noon. The breakdown of the high finally could happen next week, but amounts of precipitation are no more than normal in today’s outlooks and temperature expectations are average. The questions that are of interest now evidently are; when will precipitation actually be delivered, where will it be delivered, and how much will be delivered.
Today’s market was in a Friday mood, and the morning drop is applied more to the day of week than fundamentals. Players agree
that the situation ahead could become very difficult, at the same time as the potential is huge in both directions.UncertainA Norwegian player said that this morning’s fall is relatively uninteresting, and what happens ahead is extremely uncertain:
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Freitag, 28.02.2003, 12:01 Uhr
Freitag, 28.02.2003, 12:01 Uhr