Market - Weak bull
The nearest weeks traded distinctly down this Monday morning, while the forward contracts fell less and traded sideways before hitting a more bearish route towards noon. The weather outlooks remain dry and cool if we are to believe the EC prognosis, but changing to more west winds if the Americans are right. But how the producers think and what they do under the circumstances also remains decisive.
What production regime is chosen ahead will to a great extent determine the price level we’ll see the next weeks and months,
players agree. This morning the market reacted negatively on the Monday system price, helped by the breaks on the upside put
on by the AVN weather forecast. All in all the upside in the futures witnessed last week was reversed today, and the forwards
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Montag, 17.02.2003, 12:14 Uhr
Montag, 17.02.2003, 12:14 Uhr