Market - Tricky, but down?
V2-03 opened up this morning, but fell back in a thin morning market and traded down to 305 NOK/MWh at the lowest. A trader at a Norwegian production company characterized the market as “tricky,” but expected the next weeks delivered lower than today’s price-level, V2-03 to continue correcting down and argued that it was just accidental that the Nordic region missed the greenhouse effect last year. “Last winter is priced into this winter,” he said.
Weather outlooks are normal to dry, while the seasonal reservoirs in the “heavy” parts of Norway are quite so full, some 90%,
according to the trader. Precipitation is expected during the weekend, which possibly could lead to increased hydro production
and consequently a considerable weakening of the spot Sunday, he argued. Next week would, despite the high pressures...
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Donnerstag, 31.07.2003, 11:23 Uhr
Donnerstag, 31.07.2003, 11:23 Uhr