Market - Trails of more bull
The Tuesday morning market took another vigorous pull and brought the entire curve up several NOKs. The very front was weaker as temperatures are high, but the weather forecasts have cut out large amounts of precipitation today, and consequently the summer and autumn contracts are back around their early January levels. Players had diverging judgments about where it is all heading today, but leanings remain slightly bullish.
A Swedish producer pointed to the high-pressure that may be settling over Scandinavia now as the major bullish factor this
morning. A Norwegian trader argued that it is rather the lack of massive low-pressure activities that took the market up.
A Swedish trader held that the market sentiment is both bullish and bearish despite today’s movement. They agreed that the
spot would...
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Dienstag, 11.03.2003, 11:57 Uhr
Dienstag, 11.03.2003, 11:57 Uhr