Market - To be lifted
The Friday morning was a thin affair, and both the V1-03 and SO-03 contracts traded down a few NOKs at open, a fall contributed to the mildish outlooks and the considerable lift witnessed earlier this week. But the sellers pulled out as O1 was reported to be delayed, while the overall jump was a reaction to an exceptionally cold AVN.
“All contracts that go down comes up again, in the meantime it’s bingo-bongo,” a Norwegian trader said. Another stated that
as of today it is difficult to believe in a change of the bull scenario.DonePlayers seemed done for the week, and the Friday morning market bore witness of that. The spreads presented early today were
considerable, and no one seemed very keen on...
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Freitag, 22.11.2002, 12:29 Uhr
Freitag, 22.11.2002, 12:29 Uhr