Market - Thin bear
After the strong Friday close, Monday fell back several NOKs as the fear of the spot was not realized and weather forecasts remain wet. Around normal amounts of precipitation have been delivered over the weekend but less than half of what was prognosticated. Import remains very high, however, and according to a Norwegian trader chances are best on the downside this week. Another player was more bullish, but the overall sentiment remains uncertain.
The Monday gap did not trade out of its range, but players said today that just like it came up too much on Friday, so it
overreacted on the downside this morning. Possibly were stops triggered too, and the thin market is applied both to uncertainties
and Svalbard absentees.
“There is some quasi support on the 255 NOK/MWh level, but I think it’s worth noting that the...
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Montag, 12.05.2003, 11:54 Uhr
Montag, 12.05.2003, 11:54 Uhr