Market - The smell of power bears
The Tuesday market stayed with its bearish leanings after a quickly interrupted OTC early morning-lift. The V2-03 contract was traded down to 260 NOK/MWh, and will be pushing for more downside, a Norwegian and a Swedish trader believed today. A great deal of precipitation is not only present in the forecasts, but delivered. “The hydrology is better than in a long time, but it seems that the market psychology is still somewhat coloured by dry weather and a bull mentality,” the Swedish trader at a production company said.
The wet prognoses are intact and more precipitation than prognosticated was delivered the last 24 hours. The market has been
reluctant to accept a weather trend change, the Swedish trader believed. “It is as if the market doesn’t quite believe that
the low pressures are for here for real. Psychologically the mind of the market still looks for dry weather and bull signals...
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Dienstag, 06.05.2003, 11:55 Uhr
Dienstag, 06.05.2003, 11:55 Uhr