Market - That´s why we call it the bull
The week started off with an incredible gap and V2-03 lifted 25 NOK to 320 NOK/MWh. Weather outlooks are very dry and everything points north, a Norwegian trader argued this morning. Stop losses contributed to the size of the lift, while at 320 NOK/MWh sellers arrived and prices sagged down 10 NOK, before strengthening again.
The high-pressure situation over Scandinavia as well as continental prices pull the market in the bullish direction. The trend
has been crystal clear for quite a while, a technical analyst argued, seeing that a correction of some 10 NOK took place this
morning after the bull-leap to 320 NOK/MWh. V2-03 has lifted some fantastic 100 NOK in just over a month, the same as V1-04,
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Montag, 14.07.2003, 11:26 Uhr
Montag, 14.07.2003, 11:26 Uhr