Market - Swinging
The dry weather trend may have come to an end, and we see westerly autumn winds and precipitation arrive as we enter December, pushing the morning market down considerably but on low volumes. Due to the hard-pressed balance situation a weather change could be good news. The bad news today is the confirmation that three market makers are cancelling their MM agreements, possibly contributing to an even more jittery and volatile market situation, and placing more pressure on the remaining MMs.
Market downV1-03 opened down some 13 NOK this morning as the weather outlooks presented yesterday were confirmed today with high amounts
of precipitation and increasing temperatures. It continued falling throughout morning hour trading, and was traded at 375.00
NOK/MWh at lowest but lifted back to 385 NOK/MWh again. Yesterday we saw that the market was back up considerably after the...
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Freitag, 29.11.2002, 12:21 Uhr
Freitag, 29.11.2002, 12:21 Uhr