Market - Springy, back and sideways
The Tuesday morning market was up several NOK, but without great changes in the weather outlooks prices pulled down during the forenoon session. A Norwegian player argued that in the short term the autumn contract has a potential to be lifted again. Another player agreed, and said that all indications right now are pointing up, but at the same time found it interesting that V2-03 was rejected on the upside this morning.
The morning started off a little springy, turned around and flattened out, seeing that there was little new input to lift
prices further. It was on the cards yesterday, one of the players argued, that the autumn contract would attempt to test the
350 level today.
- All indications right now are pointing up, but this morning a breakthrough was rejected. Some players seem a little...
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Dienstag, 12.08.2003, 11:28 Uhr
Dienstag, 12.08.2003, 11:28 Uhr