Market - Silent day, cooking all night?
The quiet market was lifted this morning, but the overall impression is rather that most players are on Christmas leave. The most amusing aspect right now is the spot, and a Norwegian producer was positive that the nightprices, which in parts of Norway are higher than the daytime hours, most likely is due to the fact that the “juleribbe” is being cooked during the night. Ahead we don’t know what’s cooking.
As has been pointed out several times lately, players are not very willing to have positions over the holidays. The risk is
too big with so many days off and uncertain weather outlooks, and higher forces than power players evidently are in charge
of the weather the next weeks and months. The last couple of days we have seen that the contracts have been knocked down just
before close,...
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Freitag, 20.12.2002, 12:13 Uhr
Freitag, 20.12.2002, 12:13 Uhr