Market - September bull
September started off with dry weather outlooks, and V2-03 lifted 10 NOK at open. The spot was somewhat weaker than expected today, but if the dry weather seen in today’s EC prognosis should turn out to be a blocking high, the spot should strengthen and the upside speed up, a Swedish trader said. According to a Norwegian trader the buying interest this morning was not that impressive, but he mostly missed more correct information presented during trading hours about nuclear reactors.
The morning market was bullish, and the autumn contract stretched up on the range, trading up to 316 NOK/MWh at the highest.
The contract sagged down a little during morning hours, possibly because the market does not quite believe in a lasting high
pressure, traders said.
The Norwegian trader pointed to the discrepancy between the EC and GFS this morning, and although both...
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Montag, 01.09.2003, 11:56 Uhr
Montag, 01.09.2003, 11:56 Uhr