Market - Precipitation, precipitation, precipitation
Prices opened marginally down this morning, seeing that weather forecasts were very wet. Turnover was again summer-thin today, when V2-03 traded down to 278 NOK/MWh, before strengthening throughout the morning hours, lifting to 282.50 NOK/MWh. NENA said that precipitation governs the market this summer, and will continue to control what happens in the short as well as the long term.
Less precipitation than prognosticated was delivered the last 24 hours, and Oskarshamn1 (450MW) is out of operation today,
both factors that contributed to not take prices further down this morning. Weather forecasts are wet, but the market did
not quite buy the excessive outlooks of rain today, lifting next week up several NOK and the autumn contract correcting up
a NOK.Rain on meThe...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Dienstag, 22.07.2003, 11:00 Uhr
Dienstag, 22.07.2003, 11:00 Uhr