Market - Possibly point of return
The Wednesday morning session was much more careful on the upside than yesterday, seeing V2-03 lift above 230 NOK/MWh before falling back. The strong spot is the core reason why the market has shown renewed strength, a Norwegian trader said. A trader at a production company believed it would be difficult to get prices much higher than this.
The lift yesterday and today could have been the last pull before stabilizing in a range, the production company trader argued.
Fundamental changes from yesterday are minor this morning, and the 3 NOK lift he applied to the last stop-loss takers. Less
strength was shown after the morning lift.
- We have possibly taken out all the upside in one go, and I think it will be proven hard to...
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Mittwoch, 11.06.2003, 11:46 Uhr
Mittwoch, 11.06.2003, 11:46 Uhr