Market - Plunging further
The bloodshed continues, and players are disillusioned. ”What is there to say anymore? This market is ruined and there is no explanation for the 40 NOK drop other than panic and lack of liquidity,” traders said this morning. V1-03 attempted to get back on track during morning trading, however, after falling to 202 NOK/MWh.
The same traders argued that this is a ”stay out” market. As long as there are no fundamental reasons for the current price
curve, analysts hold V1-03 correctly priced at around 230 NOK/MWh, one should just stay out. The bloodshed witnessed the last
days is by the traders characterized as fatal for the entire market.
Like we have written earlier, there just aren´t enough big...
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Mittwoch, 23.10.2002, 09:36 Uhr
Mittwoch, 23.10.2002, 09:36 Uhr