Market - Opening up, travelling down
The market opened up on Tuesday, but has corrected down during morning hours. Winter2 stays below NOK 190 and Year03 slides towards NOK 170. A Norwegian producer found it most likely that the market should resume the up trend later this week, as forecasts for next week are dry and cold.
“It’s a bit up and down closing the same place at the moment. As long as it stays dry the up trend should continue, and colder
temperatures for next week also point towards higher prices. But with lower temperatures there is also a possibility that
the high pressures move, and the dry situation disappears. Then the market can easily turn the other way. At some time the...
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© 2024 Energie & Management GmbH
Dienstag, 10.09.2002, 11:45 Uhr
Dienstag, 10.09.2002, 11:45 Uhr