Market - Now, lift us up where we belong
There is no reason why the current uptrend should not continue, a Norwegian trader said today. He argued that the present fundamental situation ought to have lifted the market noticeably higher already, and held the NO1 production-will as the main reason why it hasn’t. High amounts of precipitation in October would not necessarily change the picture around either, and to be short on Winter1 is suicide.
Precipitation lostWith a 12TWh precipitation deficiency since August 1, the market´s reaction has been rather weak, the Oslo-based trader stated.
The deficit is now becoming so significant, and each TWh lost is hard-hitting, he argued:- Fundamentally we ought to have lifted to a higher level already, and if the present weather prognoses should hold true,
the balance deficiency will amount...
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Freitag, 27.09.2002, 12:20 Uhr
Freitag, 27.09.2002, 12:20 Uhr