Market - Now, lift us up where we belong
A strong Monday system price lifted W2-02 above last Monday’s NOK 168 in an otherwise calm morning market. An international trader pointed out that the hydrological balance has weakened by some 10TWh over the last four weeks, and that this correctly constitutes the 30 to 40 NOK/MWh spot lift since.
MoreDespite the evident, underlying strength that the market is showing now, the international trader said that the gap in the
forward contracts this morning was not that big, after all. The caution performed by players is based on the fear of possible
higher amounts of precipitation ahead, while as of today these are estimated to around average.CorrectThe spot lift over the last weeks...
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Montag, 12.08.2002, 11:50 Uhr
Montag, 12.08.2002, 11:50 Uhr