Market - Not chronically bull
The morning market fell on the absence of information of prolonged high-pressure activity. This week temperatures are dropping notably though, but there are few expectations that the spot will lift to or above 400 NOK/MWh. “Fears remain in the market, but in my view the weeks are priced too high,” a Norwegian trader said. According to an international trader the forward contracts are underpriced, since it’s a long way to go to fill the deficit gap.
Milder Today’s forecasts were not dramatically different from yesterday as far as precipitation is concerned, while the temperature
outlooks were somewhat milder. There is some pressure on the weekly products now, the risk premium is good, and the forwards,
the summer contract in particular, are swinging softly a few NOKs. Yesterday expectations seemed to be that today’s...
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Dienstag, 28.01.2003, 14:41 Uhr
Dienstag, 28.01.2003, 14:41 Uhr