Market - Not afraid of heights
The Tuesday morning market continued lifting noticeably after a careful open, and players argue that the levels will keep on moving up on relatively low volumes for a long time. The hydrological balance is now some 27TWh below normal, a Norwegian trader pointed out, and with no indications that the resource situation will start to improve, the winter scenario is already decided, another trader held.
Expensive, and not so expensiveThe relentless bullish market continued to unfold today, and V1-03 traded up from 319 to 337.50 NOK/MWh quite easily during
morning hour trading, lifting above 340 just before noon. A Norwegian trader argued today that only a politician would be
able to argue in favour of a downside now, and it is still too early for the industrial producers to even consider...
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Dienstag, 19.11.2002, 12:04 Uhr
Dienstag, 19.11.2002, 12:04 Uhr