Market - NOK 136: Because I´m worth it
The Friday market opened noticeably up as the EC confirmed the dry weather trend. The wet MRF is paid much less attention this morning, as it indicates some 8TWh more precipitation than its European counterpart. The overall tendency thus points north this Friday, and with the SO2 on the edge of its range up at NOK 136, players seem to agree that the focus now is to see whether the resistance here will be broken.
The technical indicators this morning are pointing to a continued lift, and the NOK 136 darling level is seen as the crucial
point of departure. Players doubt that the NOK 136 level will be broken through today, but see no realistic indicators that
would take the market much down this morning either.“Easter 2”According to an international trader, a renewed EC-like dry forecast...
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Freitag, 12.04.2002, 12:15 Uhr
Freitag, 12.04.2002, 12:15 Uhr