Market - No taming of that bull
V1-04 traded up to 380 NOK/MWh this morning, while the front fell a few NOK seeing the weakish Monday system price. The dry end in the weather outlooks made it quite natural that the winter contract continued up, a Swedish player argued, while according to a Norwegian trader prices are generally considered too high, but the resource situation isn’t all that good either.
The week started off bullish and V1-04 gapped up to 280 NOK/MWh, which was not surprising according to the players we spoke
with this morning. But the market sentiment seems somewhat recumbent, with no liquidity and a general fear of leaps in both
Relate to what?
The Norwegian trader held that it is difficult to relate to the market at the moment, and believed that despite...
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Montag, 03.11.2003, 11:57 Uhr
Montag, 03.11.2003, 11:57 Uhr