Market - No flying to the moon
The Monday morning session was at first characterized by the strong spot that held a gappy downside at bay, but mostly imprinted with the wet weather outlooks that took the levels below the strong Friday close, as well as profit taking. NENA said this morning that the strong spot is not all that surprising, and argued that it probably reflects the water values better than for instance 220 NOK/MWh.
Fundamentally the analyst believed that the present is not all that exciting, with the exception of the uncertainties regarding
snow reservoirs. In the short perspective, a Swedish trader was of the opinion that the market has potential in both directions.Neither believed that the strong spot that was fixed at 273.45 NOK/MWh for today necessarily would be a new price level ahead.
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Montag, 05.05.2003, 11:44 Uhr
Montag, 05.05.2003, 11:44 Uhr