Market - Needs a trigger
The Thursday morning market was sideways and thin, seeing no big changes in the weather outlooks. “But the weak spot is what the producers have feared and we have predicted, but right now the market needs a trigger,” a Norwegian player said. A trader believed players would wait and see till next week before taking much action.
Another day of rest was seen this morning, the player said, as he pointed to the drier and cooler end of the outlooks. In
the short picture the spot will be influenced by the mild and wet weather however.
- The weak spot is what the producers have feared and we have predicted. In the short picture we see that the spot could continue
to weaken as the producers realize that the water has...
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Donnerstag, 08.01.2004, 11:36 Uhr
Donnerstag, 08.01.2004, 11:36 Uhr