Market - Motion without action
The Tuesday market continued down, seeing wetter weather forecasts with expectations of quite a lot of precipitation at the beginning of the period. “But we need this kind of weather for three or four weeks before any real changes take place in the market,” a Swedish trader said. A Norwegian player was still most concerned about the unreliable nuclear power in Sweden.
V1-04 was traded down in the 340s this morning, but on very low volumes. The Swedish trader said that “very little is happening,”
and argued that the wetter weather would have to stick around for a while to heal the market.
- The outlooks are a little wetter today and there is no high pressure to spot in the nearest period. The system price has
continued to disappoint on the...
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Dienstag, 18.11.2003, 11:54 Uhr
Dienstag, 18.11.2003, 11:54 Uhr