Market - More bull for Christmas
The bull trend seems clear and the overall morning market lifted several NOKs, before correcting somewhat down again towards noon. V1-03 is expected to steer towards new heights ahead, and according to a Norwegian trader we have now reached levels at which a touch of fear for very high winter prices is present. “A thin, volatile market should be expected, but the only sensible thing to do is to stay with the trend,” he argued.
VolatilityWith much the same weather outlooks as yesterday and the decreasing balance prospects for the winter, the relatively thin
Thursday morning market lifted to new high seasonal levels. The redistribution of positions that has taken place after the
massive correction in October has decreased the fear of a similar scenario again, but volatility is very much part of the...
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Donnerstag, 07.11.2002, 12:12 Uhr
Donnerstag, 07.11.2002, 12:12 Uhr