Market - Maybe not too hip to be bear
The Friday morning market was significantly calmer than the madness that occurred towards close yesterday. V1-04 traded up to 362 NOK/MWh, however, but turnover this forenoon was thin. A trader at a Swedish production company stated that despite the fact that many believe the market is overpriced, it is very difficult to get prices down now. According to a Norwegian player the mere rumour of a high pressure fills the market with fear.
Slightly wetter weather outlooks brought the morning prices down from yesterday’s peak, but in the currently very thin market
V1-04 was still traded in the 360s. The Swedish trader pointed to several factors that contribute to the high price level
at the moment.
- There are many explanations for the present price level. There are no fundamental sellers at these levels, seeing that...
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Freitag, 31.10.2003, 11:44 Uhr
Freitag, 31.10.2003, 11:44 Uhr