Market - Manipulation allegations in the financial market
Today Norwegian and Swedish media have been full of speculations - and misunderstandings - regarding the “market manipulation case” made public by Nord Pool May 16. Nord Pool this morning consequently issued a precision of the case to calm the general press. No new information has been presented in the case, but it is clear that the alleged manipulation has taken place in the financial market, not the physical.
The power market has been heftily discussed and criticised after the exceptional winter. A market manipulation case reaching
the general media is bad news at this point, and does not sound good to the common public who already is thriving high on
scepticism. But, since it is not the physical market that is under investigation here, what exactly can have happened in the
financial some...
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Montag, 26.05.2003, 16:10 Uhr
Montag, 26.05.2003, 16:10 Uhr