Market - Lacks movement, action, buzz
The Monday market opened somewhat up from Friday, but the thin volumes traded over Nord Pool were altogether sideways and V2-03 traded around last week’s close. The market looked heaped, seeing that although the trend still points north, it is difficult to lift it further. Players we spoke with today expected little action and small movements today and ahead, at least until a weather-change takes place.
The summer sentiment has entered the market, and activity was low this morning. V2-03 was the only contract that had some
turnover and that in the OTC market where it traded just over 200 MW.
The autumn contract has reached a point where it right now looks difficult to lift it further. A Norwegian producer did not
expect that we’d see it back at 264 NOK/MWh today, and...
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Montag, 07.07.2003, 11:42 Uhr
Montag, 07.07.2003, 11:42 Uhr