Market - It depends
The Thursday market opened marginally down, but the overall mood this morning seemed to be indifference to the movement and basically the market went nowhere. The weather outlooks are wetter or drier depending on who’s looking, and little action was triggered as a consequence, players said. A Swedish producer argued that the underlying market sentiment remains bullish.
The calmness in the morning market is ascribed to the unchanged situation from yesterday, and players we have spoken with
today have few comments about the morning fall. A Norwegian player pointed to the fact that the market remains strong despite
the wet outlooks and weakening spot. “As usual the end of the period is unsure, and as usual the developments from here depend...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 06.03.2003, 12:07 Uhr
Donnerstag, 06.03.2003, 12:07 Uhr