Market - Into the Abyss
( - Thursday opened sweet and low, and all bull incentives are gone for the time being as next week is predicted weak, due to high production, no export and low consumption. All weather prognoses agree on high temperatures and lots of precipitation, and the producers have now decided to produce at full output to get rid of the water. Expectations are that the market could crash-land over the weekend, and a Norwegian trader said today that we should expect Summer02 to fall below NOK 130, and the spot to drop to the 160s NOK/MWh.
"Bamsemums"It was a busy morning on the trading desks around the Nordic and European offices this bearish play-day, as water keeps pouring
into the reservoirs and Summer02 is falling steeply down into the NOK 140s. The only thing that could make the south-side
take a walk on the bull-side right now is cold weather; a lot of cold weather, for a very long time, a Norwegian trader said...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 31.01.2002, 15:27 Uhr
Donnerstag, 31.01.2002, 15:27 Uhr