Market - How much is too much?
The Friday morning market was in a real bearish state, and all contracts were down several NOKs as the high pressure in southern Scandinavia could be coming to an end. The spot rules the weakening market with the mild temperatures, while the resource situation has not improved. A Norwegian producer argued that it is almost stupid to see the forward products pushed down by the future curve in the way it is at the moment.
Low consumption, high temperatures, inflow and import have not improved the overall resource situation, a Norwegian producer
pointed out this morning. “The market falls too much and is completely ruled by the weak spot,” he said. A Swedish producer
agreed, and said that it could be directly unhealthy for the market to let the spot bring the forward products down with it....
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Freitag, 21.03.2003, 12:13 Uhr
Freitag, 21.03.2003, 12:13 Uhr