Market - How fundamental was this?
The Friday morning market was a thin affair that dropped a NOK in the forward contracts. W2-02 revisited NOK 163.25, a movement that according to both a Norwegian and Swedish player goes along with the recent counter trading and against the fundamental condition. They argued that it seems like the market has not yet dealt with the fact that the fundamental situation has weakened.
High-risk and slightly bullishIn the long run the fundamental situation always wins, but at the moment the market seems to be left astray in a high-risk
scenario, the Norwegian trader we spoke with this morning argued. He was slightly bullish for what lies ahead:- I can’t quite figure the current movements out, but it looks like some are working against the fundamental signals. The...
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Freitag, 09.08.2002, 11:42 Uhr
Freitag, 09.08.2002, 11:42 Uhr