Market - Here today and bear tomorrow
The high pressure lurking in today’s weather outlooks lifted prices this morning, taking V2-03 up to 300 NOK/MWh and V1-04 to 310 NOK/MWh. The weather is entirely in control of the movements these days, a trader at a Norwegian production company said, but like another player, his conviction for the future was towards normalcy and in favour of the downside.
While the direction this morning was up, turnover was thin and in a bigger picture the present is quite directionless, the
trader argued. V2-03 was quickly removed from the psychological price 300 NOK/MWh, but it is the fundamentals that rule the
- The weather is entirely in control of the market, and prices are jumping back and forth. You just don’t get surprised anymore....
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Mittwoch, 17.09.2003, 11:36 Uhr
Mittwoch, 17.09.2003, 11:36 Uhr