Market - Greater Expectations
The Thursday market was characterised by stability and composure, as the brakes are temporarily on before another gap is expected Monday, players seem to agree this morning. The weather forecasts remain dry and with an additional 2000MW to 3000MW increase in consumption next week, the spot is expected up to 190 to 195 NOK/MWh and W2-02 to be lifted accordingly.
ElevationDespite the fact that W2-02 is the product that has been lifted most lately, players nonetheless argue that it has not been
lifted enough, taking all fundamental and other aspects into account. A Norwegian trader held this morning that if the next-week
spot elevates to 190 to 195, a correct pricing of W2-02 would be NOK 200. He did not expect the autumn contract that high
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 12.09.2002, 12:04 Uhr
Donnerstag, 12.09.2002, 12:04 Uhr