Market - Gran Turismo 3
The name of the game is volatility and after the market had opened up, it came falling down, before attempting to lift back towards yesterday’s closing levels. A Swedish producer characterized the morning as “wild and crazy” and saw no particular reason for the correction other than profit taking, based on the brutal uptrend. A Norwegian producer argued that the possibilities of a changing weather trend helped trigger the red figures this morning.
VolatilityThe Thursday opening looked as if it were to unfold in the same manner as it has lately, lifting a few more NOKs. But not
so today, as all of a sudden everything came tumbling down. The Swedish trader argued that this was rather undramatic, and
simply a psychological correction after the steep elevation:- The morning market can best be characterized as wild and crazy, as we...
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Donnerstag, 10.10.2002, 12:32 Uhr
Donnerstag, 10.10.2002, 12:32 Uhr