Market - Getting nasty
As the Monday system price came flying up at 211.87 NOK/MWh, the market took another leap this morning and W1-03 cruelly stepped up some 11 NOK. Players today agree that the re-pricing had to come, and that currently nothing points in a direction other than up. The infamous year 1996 has been mentioned as a possible measure for what could lie ahead.
Long live bullAn international trader stated today that he was slightly surprised that the Monday spot was fixed as high as it was, but
did nonetheless argue that the “nice and high” level arrived at eventually had to manifest itself:- It has been on the cards for a long time that this lift would come, and I doubt that it will stop here. My long-term plan
has been Winter1 at...
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Montag, 07.10.2002, 12:16 Uhr
Montag, 07.10.2002, 12:16 Uhr