Market - Fundamentally correct or not...
The morning market was thin and bearish, correcting down a few NOK at open but strengthening a little during morning hours. “At least the market is going in the fundamentally correct direction,” a Norwegian player said. A Swedish player on the other hand believed that prices would shoot up again when the industrial holidays come to an end.
Seeing the wet weather forecasts helped take prices down this morning. Uncertainties remain as to where and how much rain
will actually deliver over the next few days, naturally, but what seems relatively certain is that all the precipitation that
delivers is welcome.Overpriced
Fundamentally the market is still overpriced, the Norwegian player believed, and argued that the autumn contract...
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Donnerstag, 24.07.2003, 12:04 Uhr
Donnerstag, 24.07.2003, 12:04 Uhr