Market - Flat breather in doubt
Drier weather outlooks lifted the morning market a few NOKs before it flattened out. The future prices remain highly uncertain, players maintained this morning, and the doubts are connected to the hydrology and the high pressure at the end of the period. The spot, on the other hand, is expected to fall the nearest weeks.
As the morning market was lifted slightly with the drier forecasts, it remains a gamble whether the weather change will actually
deliver, a Norwegian player said today. A producer characterized the situation as doubtful, and pointed to the expectations
of a weaker spot vs. the possibility of a high-pressure.
“The situation is very doubtful. At the same as there are expectations of...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 22.05.2003, 11:36 Uhr
Donnerstag, 22.05.2003, 11:36 Uhr