Market - Fatal Production?
Another bullish morning market was lifted a few more NOKs as the weather outlooks remain cool and dry. An international trader argued that if the weather trend does not change, we are in for a weekly system price-lift of some 10 to 15 NOK/MWh. The main factor at this bullish moment, in addition to the weather, is that hydro production is too high, he stated.
BullThere is nothing stopping the bullish trend at the moment, and the international trader said that the brutal lift witnessed
is primarily based on too high hydro production, exceptionally dry and cool weather and the high German prices. Whether we´ll
see Winter1 at 300 NOK/MWh or a 10 NOK correction remains to be seen, however, but infamous 1996 is again brought to the market´s...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Mittwoch, 09.10.2002, 12:05 Uhr
Mittwoch, 09.10.2002, 12:05 Uhr