Market - Falling
After the bullish beginning of the week prices are back down considerably, V1-04 trading more than 40 NOK below the peak yesterday morning. The outlooks for a weather change have reduced the fear, while volatility remains just as bad, or really good, as an international trader argued this morning. A trader at a Swedish production company held that the correction was very much anticipated.
The lift was exaggerated, the players we spoke with this morning argued. The Swedish trader said the correction had to come,
and was pleased that the price level had become more sensible again. He nevertheless maintained that the downside is limited,
and said that the low at the end of the period would have to be confirmed.
- These price swings are unruly; it just takes off completely...
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Donnerstag, 06.11.2003, 11:39 Uhr
Donnerstag, 06.11.2003, 11:39 Uhr